Beaujolais is a 35-mile strip between the towns of Lyons and Macon in eastern France. Beaujolais is made from the gamay grape. It is a light, fruity, and inexpensive red wine that is ordinarily drunk young.
There are three quality levels in Beaujolais. The first is generic Beaujolais. Next, in its northern region are thirty-nine villages distinguished by superior vineyards. Beaujolais-Villages, is made from grapes from any one or a number of these thirty-nine communes. Beaujolais-Villages is noticeably more concentrated than regular Beaujolais. Finally, the pinnacles of Beaujolais are ten specific crus, from villages whose vineyards are considered to be the best. Wine from these villages is made from grapes grown only from within the specific village. Moulin a Vent, the crème de la crème of Beaujolais derives its name from the historic windmill located in the vineyard.
Cote de Brouilly
Moulin a Vent
The windmill for which Moulin a Vent is eponymously named. Moulin a Vent, unlike its other Beaujolais brethren, is more concentrated, more tannic, less fruity, and not only capable of, but required to age, up to ten years or more. It is so uncharacteristic of the Beaujolais region that it is sometimes compared to a light Burgundy.